Monday, 24 December 2007

Hot Sauce are having their first chilli sauce making competition. Check out their forum for details. I have been thinking of what to submit and have come up with a couple of sauces. Subject to inspiration, a third could be on its way...

The competition is at the end of January, so needless to say I am unable to go into any detail as to what might make my sauces different to what others may submit. However here are the labels which give a little clue...

Scotch Bollocks is based on Scotch Bonnets and Purple Haze is made with Peach Habanero. I had put in the sophisticated Purple Haze for our office Food Day Competition with the aim to keep the title (I won last year with a cranberry, mango and chilli smoothie), however though my sauce generated compliments from fellow culinary heat seekers, unfortunately for the rest of the capsaicum challenged, it was a little too much. So the prize went back to the Internet Support team for winning with some scones I believe.