Sunday 18 November 2007

Trip to the Pyranees

The New House

Well, we got back fine. Our mission here was to drive the parents loaded Hilux packed with a kiln and the rest of Ma's pottery, down from Faversham to their new house in the Haute Pyranees (65) and help them move in. The trip itself was fine without incident. In all it took us 17 hours to get down over 2 days. Average speed: 48 mph/79kph. The return we did TGV + Eurostar. Left Tarbes 10:45 and arrived Ashford 21:30.

The parents and moving crew

We arrived at the house around 4 pm on the Tuesday 6 Nov, The removal firm had already beat us and were unloading which was great. However, we all stayed in a local Chateau B+B til the following night. We stayed until the Monday, moving boxes around, setting up the main rooms and checking out the local facilities, service suppliers and merchants. Needless to say that quite a reasonable quantity of the local wine was put through stringent quality testing. I am pleased to say they passsed with flying colours.

Another fine D (or was it E?) road the GPS took us down which was not on our map.

I do have some video of the house and land that I shall be working on and will put up shortly. Also links to more photos once I've got them sorted.

I would just like to say thank you to everyone who helped out with the move and also the farewell bash at Twitham.

View from my east facing bedroom window

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